Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It is amusing that some of my friends told me that I am a fashionable person. I must admit that I am flattered with such compliments, but yet I could not help to think of what qualification did they see in me which made them give such exclamation?

If being fashionable considered as a person who follows the fashion trends, I could say perhaps I am fashionable. But, I am absolutely not a fashionista, of a person whose always in the fashion trends. Which means, I am not always get myself involved in the latest fashion, furthermore making myself one.

So if one is not in the latest fashion trend, why do I keep on following the trends?
I'll tell you why.

I don't really like wearing things that everyone wears. I don't really like to do things that everyone did. I'd rather to be different, not too unique but could still stand out among the many.
Furthermore, I really don't want to be a fashion victim which often happened to those fashionistas, and turn myself into a fashion-nista (nista is Indonesian for 'disgrace'). I refuse to humiliating myself by wearing things that might be trendy now, but actually ridiculous for me to wear.

Yes, I always concern about what's new what's hot in the fashion world. But I carefully sort those information and pick some that I consider useful and would fit me well. And I carefully try to avoid to be in the trend too much, as it would easily turn me into a fashion-nista.

I like to be myself, with my own style. Perhaps considered classic or common, but of course I try to not being dull and boring, after all that's why we follow the fashion trends, aren't we? ^^

Here are some latest fashion trends that I try to avoid myself from wearing (and some I loathe) :

- Skinny jeans

Of course, almost EVERY GIRLS are wearing skinny jeans. Almost. Not me.
Considering the fact that I have short legs and rather big than slim, I prefer basic straight cut for my hip-huggers (which makes my legs look slimmer). But look around, and you'll find dozens of teenagers wearing skinny jeans (even colorful ones!) regardless their fat legs, which make them look like turnips -_-

- Flat shoes

Since I have small feets, and I'm not tall, flat shoes are not really my type of shoes. But actually it looks cute if you wear it with short pants. The thing is, most girls HERE (in Indonesia) like to wear flat shoes with their skinny jeans. That is the most horrible fashion crime I've ever seen -__- Skinny jeans are meant to be worn with heels, so it would empasize your legs. But with flat shoes, you turn yourself into a penguin (with turnips legs). D-uh.

- Gladiator shoes

As my boyfriend told me, girls' ankle is sexy. I so agree. So it would be such a waste to cover it with high-ankle gladiator shoes, which makes you look like some Roman (fashion) slave.

- Harem pants

I have no idea why oh why, some people think this pants could look gorgeous on them *__* Lucky that this fashion item is NO LONGER IN THE SEASON! HA! So if you still wearing this kind of pants, believe me darling. You are soooo last season. *smirks*

- High-waist pants

Uhm, I think this is so 80s recycle. Which no need to be brought back, actually.

- Check shirts

I am so tired with those Southern Jakarta teenagers style, wearing oversized check shirts with their skinny jeans, flas shoes and messy haircuts, and it seems like EVERY TEENAGERS have the same style!
It is no longer cute or cool, it's merely common boring fashion. Check shirts are cool, but when everybody wears that, it is so cheesy. It's almost like a sorry version of Agyness Deyn's rip-off.

I myself prefer some everlasting and must-have items like : black and white tank tops, trench coat, boot-cut and straight-cut jeans, cigarette pants, high heels, stilettos, satin shirts, and of course, a little black dress.

Well, whatever style you like, it's always up to your personal taste. But I keep my rule : There is no need to be a fashion victim when you better off without wearing it. :)

{posted by Chibi on 4:29 PM} +



Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations





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